Building High Performance Teams — 2 fabulous approaches

Brijesh Deb
7 min readMay 6, 2023

Hello readers! To get the best at work, the big question for many leaders has always been around building High Performance Teams. So, I’m going to share some fantastic ideas with you on how to build a high-performing team. We’re going to focus on two amazing approaches: the Tuckman Model and the Lencioni Model. Trust me, by the end of this, you’ll be ready to create a kick-butt team that achieves great things together. Let’s jump in!

1. Tuckman Model: The Rollercoaster Ride of Team Development

Picture the Tuckman Model as a thrilling rollercoaster ride that every team goes through while working together. It's got its ups, downs, twists, and turns, but ultimately, it's a fantastic adventure. There are five stages in this model: Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning. Let's take a closer look at each stage and throw in some real-life examples to make things crystal clear.

1.1 Forming: Getting to Know You

You know that exciting yet nerve-wracking feeling when you're meeting new people and trying to make a good impression? That's the Forming stage. It's all about introductions, figuring out how everyone fits into the puzzle, and creating a solid foundation for collaboration.

Example: Imagine a bunch of software developers coming together for the first time to create an innovative new app. They're chatting about their backgrounds, understanding the project's objectives, and laying the groundwork for teamwork.

Strategies for Forming:

1.1.1 Set clear goals and objectives: Make sure everyone is on the same page when it comes to the team's purpose and the end goal. In our example, the team leader could clarify the app's main features and set a launch date.

1.1.2 Clarify roles and responsibilities: Help everyone understand their part in the grand scheme of things. Our software developers might divvy up tasks like front-end development, back-end development, and quality assurance.

1.1.3 Establish communication channels: Decide how the team will keep in touch and share information. Our developers might choose a project management tool and have regular check-ins to stay connected.

1.2 Storming: Riding the Waves of Conflict

When things start to heat up, and disagreements pop up, you've entered the Storming stage. It can be a bit challenging, but it's a necessary part of the journey. Just like a family, teammates can have their arguments, but ultimately, they'll come out stronger on the other side.

Example: Our software developers might have some creative differences when it comes to the app's design or the best way to tackle a particular feature.

Strategies for Storming:

1.2.1 Encourage open communication: Foster a safe space where everyone can speak their mind and share their opinions without fear of judgment.

1.2.2 Practice active listening and empathy: Inspire team members to listen to each other's perspectives and try to see things from different angles.

1.2.3 Resolve conflicts constructively: Guide the team through finding resolutions that strengthen relationships and promote growth.

1.3 Norming: Hitting Our Stride

When a team starts to find its groove, that's the Norming stage. They've settled on shared norms and processes, and it feels like everything's starting to click.

Example: The software developers have agreed on an app design and have established a smooth workflow for completing tasks.

Strategies for Norming:

1.3.1 Provide feedback: Give helpful feedback to encourage improvement and growth. In our example, this might involve reviewing code and offering design suggestions.

1.3.2 Establish routines and processes: Create systems that enable the team to work more efficiently and effectively.

1.3.3 Promote collaboration: Encourage a sense of teamwork and interdependence among team members. For our software developers, this could mean having regular brainstorming sessions or pair-programming to tackle complex problems together.

1.4 Performing: We're Rocking It Now!

When a team is firing on all cylinders and achieving its goals, that's the Performing stage. The team has found its rhythm, and everyone trusts their teammates.

Example: The software developers are now working together seamlessly, efficiently completing tasks, and quickly addressing any issues that arise.

Strategies for Performing:

1.4.1 Delegate tasks effectively: Make sure tasks are distributed fairly and that team members have the resources they need to complete them.

1.4.2 Encourage continuous improvement: Cultivate a culture of learning and growth by inspiring team members to seek new knowledge, skills, and experiences.

1.4.3 Celebrate achievements: Acknowledge the team's accomplishments and celebrate milestones along the way. This could be launching a beta version of the app or hitting a major deadline.

1.5 Adjourning: The End of the Road

Adjourning is when the team has achieved its goals, and it's time to reflect and move on. It's like the final scene in a movie – bittersweet but necessary.

Example: The software developers have successfully completed the app, and now it's time to celebrate their hard work and transition to new projects.

Strategies for Adjourning:

1.5.1 Conduct a post-project review: Reflect on the team's performance, identify lessons learned, and discuss ways to improve for future projects.

1.5.2 Celebrate accomplishments: Organize a wrap-up party or event to recognize the team's achievements and express gratitude for their hard work.

1.5.3 Support team members in their transition: Help team members navigate the next steps in their careers, whether it's moving on to a new project or seeking new opportunities.

2. Lencioni Model: Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team

The Lencioni Model focuses on the common dysfunctions that can trip up a team. Think of it as a checklist of pitfalls to avoid. The dysfunctions are: Absence of Trust, Fear of Conflict, Lack of Commitment, Avoidance of Accountability, and Inattention to Results. Let's explore each dysfunction and how to overcome them, along with some examples to illustrate the concepts.

2.1 Absence of Trust: Building a Solid Foundation

Trust is the foundation of any great team, just like the base of a delicious pizza. Without trust, collaboration and teamwork crumble.

Example: A marketing team is working on a new campaign, but some team members are hesitant to share their ideas, fearing criticism or judgment.

Strategies to Build Trust:

2.1.1 Encourage personal connections: Organize team-building activities, casual get-togethers, or even just coffee breaks to help team members get to know each other on a personal level.

2.1.2 Show vulnerability as a leader: Share your own challenges, mistakes, and lessons learned to demonstrate that it's okay to be human and imperfect.

2.1.3 Promote transparency: Share information openly and honestly, and encourage team members to do the same.

2.2 Fear of Conflict: Embracing Disagreement

Conflict is natural, but it can be scary. It's like that awkward moment when someone disagrees with your favorite movie. However, healthy conflict can lead to growth and innovation.

Example: A design team is brainstorming ideas for a new logo, but some members are holding back their opinions, fearing potential arguments.

Strategies to Overcome Fear of Conflict:

2.2.1 Establish ground rules for respectful disagreement: Create a set of guidelines that promote open communication and constructive feedback.

2.2.2 Encourage diverse perspectives: Celebrate different opinions and viewpoints as a source of creativity and innovation. In our design team example, this might involve asking team members to share their unique design ideas and inspirations.

2.2.3 Mediate conflicts constructively: When conflicts do arise, guide team members through resolving disagreements in a way that promotes understanding and growth.

2.3 Lack of Commitment: All In, Together

A team can't thrive without commitment. It's like trying to row a boat with half the crew taking a nap. Everyone needs to be on board and fully invested in the team's goals.

Example: A sales team is working to meet a quarterly target, but some members are not fully committed to the goal, causing others to pick up the slack.

Strategies to Foster Commitment:

2.3.1 Establish clear goals and objectives: Define the team's purpose and ensure everyone understands the end goal. In our sales team example, this might mean outlining specific sales targets and the strategies to achieve them.

2.3.2 Involve team members in decision-making: Encourage input and collaboration when making decisions to create a sense of ownership and commitment.

2.3.3 Create a shared vision: Develop a collective understanding of the team's mission and how each team member contributes to its success.

2.4 Avoidance of Accountability: Holding Each Other Up

Accountability is crucial for a high-performing team. It's like a group project where everyone needs to do their part to get the job done.

Example: A product development team has set deadlines for various milestones, but some team members consistently miss their deadlines, affecting the project's progress.

Strategies to Encourage Accountability:

2.4.1 Set clear expectations and performance standards: Establish benchmarks and objectives so that team members know what is expected of them.

2.4.2 Provide regular feedback: Offer constructive feedback and support to help team members improve and grow.

2.4.3 Create a culture of accountability: Encourage team members to hold each other accountable for their responsibilities and commitments.

2.5 Inattention to Results: Keeping an Eye on the Prize

Lastly, a high-performing team must maintain focus on the results. It's like running a marathon – you need to stay focused on the finish line.

Example: A customer service team is more concerned with individual recognition than the overall satisfaction of their customers, leading to a decline in customer experience.

Strategies to Maintain Focus on Results:

2.5.1 Monitor progress: Keep track of the team's progress towards its goals and make adjustments as needed.

2.5.2 Celebrate achievements: Recognize the team's accomplishments and celebrate milestones along the way.

2.5.3 Prioritize team success over individual recognition: Encourage team members to put the team's success first and acknowledge that individual achievements contribute to the team's overall success.

2.5.4 Provide resources and support: Ensure that team members have the necessary tools, training, and support to achieve their goals.

And there you have it! We've explored both the Tuckman and Lencioni models in detail, and now you're all set to start building your high-performing team! Remember, it takes time, effort, and a whole lot of communication to create a successful team. But with these strategies in your toolkit, you're well on your way to creating an all-star team that'll achieve amazing things together.

So, go out there, lead with confidence, and watch your team thrive! And remember, as a leader, it's important to continuously learn and grow, adapting your approach as needed to support your team's unique needs and circumstances. Good luck, and here's to your team's success!



Brijesh Deb

In God we trust, everything else I Test! Views expressed here are personal.